Introducing Quilt Quest 2024!

Introducing Quilt Quest 2024!

Hey there, fellow creatives!

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey filled with creativity, camaraderie, and, of course, quilting? I'm thrilled to introduce you to Quilt Quest 2024, a brand new project that's all about making something marvelous together each month!

Who is it for? Everyone! Whether you're a seasoned quilter or just dipping your toes into the fabric-filled waters, Quilt Quest 2024 is for you. No project is "too small" (or too big, for that matter).

How does it work? It's simple! At the beginning of each month, I'll unveil the theme, and you'll have the entire month to get creative and craft your masterpiece. Themes will range from specific colorways, quilting methods, unique designs, non-quilt projects, to specific fabrics and beyond.

Join in on months you feel inspired and sit out on month you don't. You're free to let your imagination run wild. Want to design your own pattern? Go for it! Prefer to use an existing pattern? That works too! The choice is yours.

Are there prizes? Kind of. I think there's something better -- one-of-a-kind, collectible stickers! (And, let's be honest, probably some actual prizes along the way from community members that want to contribute.)

How do I get my sticker? Once you've completed your creation, head on over to the submission form and let me know that you've finished. You can submit as early in the month as you want. Just provide your name and address. I'll send you your sticker at the beginning of the following month (so I can order and ship them all at once). You'll have a seven-day grace period after the end of the month to submit your form. That way, you can put the finishing touches on your creation and still be eligible for that month's challenge.

Do I get anything for completing every single month? Nope! Because this challenge is for yourself and your own creative growth. I don't want anyone feeling like they "fell behind" or need to give up on future months because they didn't "finish" one of the months.

Any other requirements? You do need EITHER an Instagram account or FB account and to have posted at least 1 photo of your finished project using #quiltquest2024. This isn't so I can check your work. There are no quilt police here. This is because part of the point of the project is to engage and inspire your community!

So, are you ready to join me on this quilting adventure? I can't wait to see what incredible creations you come up with during Quilt Quest 2024. Let's make some things and have a blast doing it!

Happy quilting!



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