Originally published August 2020 on sparklestash.com
The Color Jolt Quilt Along is officially rolling!
Pick up the pattern HERE.
Make sure you're following my Instagram stories as I'll be featuring your quilts throughout the quilt along AND announcing any impromptu Instagram Live chats I'll be doing. If you run into questions along the way, asking in the comments of this or any blog post is the best way to reach out. If you have a question, I'm sure others will be wondering the same thing! Commenting allows me to gather the questions and answer them here AND in my Instagram stories!
Okay, we're off! Click below to see the weekly blog posts. Additional links will show up here each week as we move along.
Week 1: Preparation -- Picking Your Fabric & Planning Your Layout
Week 2: Cutting Your Fabric & (Optional) Making A Test Block
Week 3: Making Half Our Blocks
Week 4: Making Our Remaining Blocks
Week 5: Making Our Rows
Week 6: Finishing Our Quilts!

A few of my favorite things about this quilt are:
- It is fabric-forward. The large blocks are perfect for displaying your favorite fabrics.
- It has the world's easiest foundation paper piecing block, which is perfect for anyone new to paper piecing. I'll walk you through making this block so no experience required.
- It's fast! These blocks are simple and quick to make. Almost all of the work happens up front in putting together your layout and picking your fabric. After that, it's all zip, zip, zip.
Here are the highlights:
- Timing: October 1st - November 11th (6 weeks total)
- Communication: Weekly blog posts (and emails) will go out each Thursday during the QAL. I'll cover our task for the week and a variety of tips/tricks.
- Prizes: We have some lovely sponsors for the QAL! Post a photo each week on Instagram based on the weekly prompt (in the blog post!) and use the hashtag #colorjoltqal and you'll be entered to win the weekly prize. I'll do the drawings on Wednesday nights and winners will be announced in the next blog/email.
- Supplies: You'll need the Color Jolt quilt pattern, which you can pick up HERE. It includes the fabric requirements and lots of layout tools. You'll need standard quilting supplies, which are outlined in the pattern. I'll also talk about the specific supplies I use as we go through the various weeks and start using them.
Here's a summary of our schedule for the six weeks:

Here are the fabric requirements for the quilt. We'll be making the throw size for the quilt along but feel free to deviate from that if you want to do a different size. These fabric amounts assume you're using nondirectional fabrics (or are using directional fabrics but are fine with them being sideways or upside down) and cutting your fabrics most efficiently (as outlined in the pattern). If you want to spend less time planning your layout and more time just going wherever your creativity takes you, more fabric will give you the flexibility you're looking for!

Several lovely shops have curated fabric bundles for this quilt. Each comes with a custom layout I designed that tells you exactly where each fabric goes and has a custom cutting guide so you're ready to hit the ground running. Or reorganize everything and do whatever you want! Click the links below to view the bundles/kits. Note that two of these shops are Canadian so if you're in Canada, go for it but the US mail has been a bit strange so if you're in the US, factor in shipping times when you consider purchasing your fabric.
We also have a whole host of amazing weekly prize sponsors. Remember what I said above? About posting on the hashtag each week? If you do, you could win something amazing! I'll announce the specific prizes in each week's blog post. Make sure you're on the email list so you get that reminder in your inbox every week to check out this week's post (and prize!).
If you'll be joining the QAL, share this image to your Instagram and tag me so I can say hello!

That's it! Jump in at any point. We'll be happy to have you along!